Aram Sei has partnered with Swadha to provide for the educational needs of deserving youth. Swadha supports the education of students whose families are unable to provide the financial support and guidance.

Swadha addresses the problem that are faced by many students from financially challenged families who are unable to continue their higher secondary education. This robs these children of the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty in their families by gaining a degree or diploma and becoming gainfully employed. Swadha Foundation’s endeavor is to transform the lives of under-privileged children by providing them access to education through a professionally managed, result oriented programs. They aim to promote equality of access for deserving youngsters, the girl child, differently-abled persons and the first to be educated in a family. The students are identified and then provided the necessary support to continue their education and complete their degree. They are also provided the necessary assistance to secure a job that meets their qualifications.
- Aram Sei partnered with Swadha to help 250 children receive higher secondary eduction or a college degree. We supported the educational expenses of the students who are under the care of Swadha.