Snehadhara foundation is a registered non-profit based in Bangalore. Snehadhara’s “Uhuru” is one of the first schools to adopt Arts Based Therapy. The creative initiatives of the Snehadhara team – midweek overnight stays, buddy learning system, kitchen project (Oota-Tota), Pipilika (a program for caregivers and parents) and several others – have uniquely created a space for the differently abled to learn, heal and grow. Arts Based Therapy enhances development through the deliberate combination and involvement of both the body and the mind.
Aram Sei ran a campaign to raise funds to subsidize the tuition for all children attending the Uhuru program in 2017. Learn more at http://snehadharafoundation.org/uhuru/

Dear {Aram Sei Founder},
“There is no better way to thank God for your sight than by giving a helping hand to someone in the dark.”
– Helen Keller.
Life is filled with diversity, and though we appreciate the diversities that create the vibrancy of life, yet at a practical and gut level we seem to reject anything that makes us distinct from each other. The words ‘disabled’ vs ‘normal’ further this division. Our inability to see society as interdependent, to see it as just a part and not as a whole, has given rise to exclusion. Our effort this year has been to take the mainstream world and build inclusion into it.
Snehadhara was set up with the vision of “sustainable community living” for children and their families. All that we do at Snehadhara stems from this sense of community that we wish to co-create. This being the core of what we do, since its inception we have never placed affordability as a criterion for admission. This has allowed us to take children from varied backgrounds. Each year we have shared the working cost of the program with the parents and allowed them to choose how much they can pay. The idea of this is clearly to create a community where we are there for each other, be it financially, emotionally or socially.
It is often said that in our lifetime, even if we are able to change one person’s life in a positive manner, we have done incredibly well to say the least. And you, by supporting us, have helped change not 1 but 35 lives directly and many more the count of which I don’t think we will ever know. 12 children availed a subsidy this year at the centre. On behalf of the children and their families I wish to Thank Aram Sei for supporting us this year. The amount received from you has helped us meet the gap between what other parents and donors pay. This would have not been possible had you not extended your support.
Thank you for joining hands with us as we work towards creating an inclusive world, a world where we are able to re-look at ourselves and are inspired to live differently and compassionately, a world where everyone belongs. I would like to sincerely thank you for partnering and shouldering the responsibility in undertaking this journey with us. We look forward to staying connected with you and seek your support for the years to come.
Warm Regards,
Gitanjali Sarangan