The CAREavan program in Union City, CA, USA provides a safe, overnight parking for people and families living in their vehicles. The program is offered 7 days a week and is currently one of the two programs that are still open in Union City, the other being the senior center. In order for participants to be in the program, they need to register with the program coordinator. Only those that are registered can stay and park in their facilities. The participants sleep in their vehicles. They are provided restrooms that are open to them all night. When the program is at the Ruggieri Senior Center, they have showers and 1 laundry and dryer unit available between 8 pm-12 midnight. They have janitors that show up at 12 and clean the facility. The City does not provide any food services for them. There are too many restrictions needed to follow if we provided the food.
That’s were the donors and other facilities come in. People can bring in food as long as it is already prepared. Meaning, all the participants need to do is warm it up in the microwave or it can be eaten cold. Every now and then, Kaiser donates some of their pre package meals. Pastor Brown from Brown Temple Church provides a hot meal at his church on Tuesday Nights (Before COVID-19). Dinner can be served any time after 8:00 pm.
Currently, the program has about 15 vehicles (18-23 participants) that show up on a nightly basis. Before COVID-19, they were receiving 25 vehicles per night (35-45 participants) per night. Since the start of COVID-19, they are now well supported for the dinner service. There immediate need is for the following products:
Aram Sei helped support this program for approximately 45-60 participants through the end of the year 2020.
Aram Sei expresses its gratitude and thanks to Mrs. Anuradha Sridhar, Director, Trinity Center for Music and parents of her students for fulfilling this requirement for CAREavan program!