Everyone has a dream. Some people have really big, wild dreams. Only a few, however, are ambitious enough to chase their dreams. Maya is one of those people. Since she was 11, her dream has been to go to Stanford and get an MBA, and she’s been working everyday since […]
My Aram Sei Journey – Sangeetha Lakshminarayanan

How and why did you create Aram Sei? “We were a group of friends who met regularly and we thought while we meet, why don’t we also try and do something more. Something that is fun, but also is giving back to our community, which supported most of us growing […]
Youth of Aram Sei – Meera Santhosh

We recently sat down (virtually) with Meera, an Aram Sei youth volunteer who is running a summer camp and hopes to help Aram Sei…
Coronavirus: Indian-American NGO raises $1 million for relief work in US, India
An Indian-American NGO has raised $1 million to fight hunger in India and the United States amid the coronavirus pandemic. This translates to 4,700,000 meals for people in the United States and ration kits for 106,000 migrant workers in India that will last them seven to 10 days, said M […]