What inspired you to create your shop?
I originally bought the materials to try making the items for myself and then saw that it was something I could share with my friends and those around me. I could sell hand-made items that you wouldn’t really see in other bigger shops. I enjoyed making items and seeing others appreciate it.
Describe your creative process.
One way I get ideas is by trial and error. I either make charms out of resin or buy them and see which ones match together, which ones look good as earrings, which ones don’t really look nice, and which pieces others would like. I do this by asking my friends if they think the concept or item looks good and is worth the cost. I decide where to donate by looking at charities I have seen make an impact. For example, I donated to the Humane Society since they really need donations during these times. I have visited their shelter and seen how donations really make an impact.
What about your shop and what you do aligns with you personally?
I definitely see my shop as a creative outlet that turns into impact. I get to use my creativity to create these items and the money that comes goes to an important cause/charity. I get to sell these items to those around me and this way they get the pieces and their money is also going to a good cause.

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Creative, thrifty, and helpful. Creative as in I find ways to create pieces, thrifty because I usually don’t buy new materials, I find a way to use what I have to the best of my abilities, and helpful as I get to donate to and help different charities each month.
What are some of your goals for the future of “Shria’s Stuff”?
I want to expand to websites like Etsy and Depop as I can share my creations and products to other people and not just those around me. I would also like to create more products and expand from just keychains and earrings to rings and necklaces as well.