This week’s feature is on Aram Sei kid ambassadors. Over the years these kids have been eating on the go, volunteering, dancing, singing, but most of all, having fun with their friends along the way. They have hosted lemonade stands and baked goods fund raisers at Aram Sei events. They have recorded countless videos, telling the world about Aram Sei. They have stood outside stores and restaurants handing out flyers. They have done 5Ks, squats, jumping jacks and hiked miles to raise funds! They have grown steadily in friendship, but more importantly, in a ‘Desire to help’!
2020 challenged them but they found a new way to support the community and we at Aram Sei are proud of how they rose to the occasion.
Advay Narayanun: Advay developed a love for baking during Shelter in Place. He was baking and delivering baked goods to friends and family via his website www.advaysbakedgoods.wordpress.com. Over the holiday season he decided to donate all proceeds to help the needy at Casa De Clara via hygiene kits, hats and gloves. In addition he also baked 75 cookies and dropped them off to share the holiday joy.

Dhruva Balasubramnian: Dhruva did a drive for Big Basin after the CZU fire destroyed parts of the Big Basin Sate Park in August 2020. Dhruva had camped with his dear friends in summer of 2019 at Big Basin and wanted to help as a way of giving back. He raised $61 for the Semperviren fund by talking to friends, family and neighbors about the damage caused by the fire.

Elvira and Kanira Venkat: When sisters Elvira and Kanira heard about the kids at Jacob’s heart they wanted to help brighten the thanksgiving and holiday season for them. They used their artistic ability to good use to decorate tote bags and make holiday cards that could be shared with the beneficiaries.

As we look back at the rough year 2020 has been and the way our volunteers have adapted we cannot but appreciate how much the youngest volunteers stepped up to the challenge and found new ways to give back to the community!