What are some activities/hobbies you are involved in?
Apart from school activities, I spend a lot of my time learning Carnatic music and doing activities on my robotics team. I also compete in speech competitions and enjoy working on different projects in the areas of STEM and business. Some of my hobbies include baking, photography, and binge watching my favorite T.V. shows.
What do you hope to do in the future?
I’d really like to be a software engineer and hopefully involved in business as well. I haven’t really decided what I’m specifically interested in, but I am part of my school’s Artificial Intelligence club and that has been really interesting! I am also interested in business and finance.
How does Aram Sei and helping others fall into your life?
Helping underserved communities is really important to me. I see the difference between people who have resources and those who don’t. When success really comes down to accessibility, that’s a major issue. I hope to lead more efforts to bridge this divide whether it be through raising funds, advocacy, or helping organizations that support underprivileged communities like Aram Sei!
What are three things that you’d use to describe yourself?
I’d describe myself as outgoing, creative, and diligent.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
I think a lot of people don’t know I used to be super quiet when I was little, especially since I’m the most talkative person in most rooms. Some people also may not know that I really love writing! One more fun fact about me is that I’ve always been really interested in politics. I like to follow the news and stay informed on what’s happening in the world.
How was your experience interning with Aram Sei?
I had a really great time! I had an amazing mentor, Karen Aunty, who was so helpful with everything and taught me a lot even beyond the intern work. It was my first time working in a more professional environment so it was interesting learning about how to work in that type of a setting. I also gained a lot of skills in being able to think from a nonprofit perspective and how to organize, manage, and expand a project. I had a lot of fun working on creative content as well, such as the interviews I’ve been putting out the last few months and the Activating Youth Project that was launched. I also had a lot of fun getting to work with the other interns and learning, collaborating, and cooperating alongside them made everything so much more fun.
5 Fun Facts:
- Favorite Quote: “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”
- Favorite Food: Maggi (WITH KETCHUP) or mac and cheese
- Current Favorite Movie and Book: Little Women
- Two places I’d love to travel to (after the pandemic is over) would be Japan and New York.
- Fun Fact: I have several plant children.