We recently sat down (virtually) with Meera, an Aram Sei youth volunteer who is running a summer camp and hopes to help Aram Sei.
Tell us a little more about you.
Hi my name is Meera Santhosh! I am 11 years old and I’ve started a fun kids camp with my friends for kids 3 to 8! We were pretty bored during the holidays, so I figured the kids would be too! That’s why I started this camp!
Tell us more about the summer camp.
The kids camp is a great experience for kids 3 to 8! There are two groups of kids, (ages 3 to 5, and ages 6 to 8.) For the group of kids 3-5, we read them a fun story, learn phonics or math, play games and do puppet shows. These classes are on Monday and Wednesday 5:00 to 5:45 P.M. For the kids 6 to 8, we learn about one of the following subjects, (grammar, science, art, math,) and do a related activity, as well as play games. These classes are on Tuesday, and Thursday, at 5:00 to 6:00. You can join one class to see what you think.
You are thinking about raising money for Aram Sei through your camp? What inspired you? Tell us more about your connection with Aram Sei.
I wanted to raise funds for Aram Sei through this camp. I could charge $1 per class. I wanted to raise funds for Aram Sei because I realize that they make such big differences in the world. They’re helping so many people by distributing masks (through their project Chudar), giving to the less fortunate and so much more. They might not be changing the world, but they are changing so many people’s worlds! I got to know about Aram Sei when I went to the events, Spark and Sing in Place. I’d like to say this is AMAZING to do this for them!
Many thanks Meera. We are inspired to see a 11 year old so excited to create change in the world. We are fortunate to have such amazing youth volunteers for Aram Sei.
If you are interested in signing up your 3-5 year old schedule and details are below: